21 Best Apps for Virtual Assistants [Improve Productivity!]

Romie Carillo Avatar

Virtual assistants are on the rise, both in the corporate world and among individuals. They can help you manage tasks, streamline workflow, and boost productivity. However, to make the most of your virtual assistant, you must equip them with the best software tools available. 

Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Read on to understand the importance of choosing the software for virtual assistants. We will provide a comprehensive list of the 21 best apps for virtual assistants, including task management tools for VAs, communication tools, and more.

Why Is Choosing the Best Software for Virtual Assistants Important?

Choosing the best software for virtual assistants is important because it boosts productivity and creates a positive work environment. With user-friendly interfaces and features, they make managing tasks a breeze, promote seamless communication and collaboration, and even automate repetitive tasks. 

Also, choosing the best software saves time and contributes to a more enjoyable and efficient workflow. The right software ensures that virtual assistants can adapt to evolving business needs. 

Ultimately, it’s an investment that pays off, making work more enjoyable and contributing to the team’s overall success.

Find out how a virtual assistant can boost productivity

21 Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

When choosing virtual assistant software tools, consider the app’s speciality, features, familiarity, pricing, ease of use, ratings, and reviews. Get your virtual assistant’s opinions and insights, and use these to decide what matters most.

Here are the 21 best apps for virtual assistants:

1. Slack

Slack Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $7.25/month
OS: Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Web
Best For: Virtual assistants looking for a platform for team collaboration and instant messaging.

Slack is a communication platform perfect for teams working together on projects. Slack makes it easy to chat in real-time, share files, and collaborate effectively, whether in the same office or working remotely. 

Plus, it’s super customizable with all its features, like project management integrations, notifications, search functionality, and more. You can tailor it to fit your team’s specific needs. 

And the best part? Slack’s open API means it can seamlessly integrate with your existing virtual assistant tools!

Find out the difference between free and paid Slack.


  • Easy to use
  • Rich integration options


  • Need for improvements in the quality of audio and video calls
  • Expensive for some

Discover which is better between Slack and Teams.

2. Paymo

Paymo Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $9.9/month (Starter)
OS: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android
Best For: Virtual assistants looking for a comprehensive project management solution.

Paymo is one of the best apps for virtual assistants, offering comprehensive features for task and project management, time tracking, collaboration, and invoicing. 

With its intuitive interface and the ability to tailor it according to individual preferences, the platform is ideal for efficiently handling numerous clients and projects concurrently.

With integrated tools for communication, document management, and expense tracking, Paymo streamlines workflows and enhances productivity for virtual assistants.


  • Incorporates features for invoicing, expense tracking, and billing
  • User permissions can be customized 
  • Comprehensive task timer 


  • No built-in chat
  • Limited free plan

Make meetings more interactive for better productivity! Here a list of the best 5-minute games for virtual meetings.

3. Toggl Track

Toggl Track Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $10/month
OS: iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, Browser Extension
Best For: Virtual assistants seeking a user-friendly and effective app for time tracking, project management, and invoicing.

This software is ideal for virtual assistants looking to track time efficiently. Toggl Track is a cloud-based time-tracking solution offering project management and invoicing capabilities. 

It is valuable for freelancers, small businesses, and teams who prefer simplicity and effectiveness in managing their workflows.


  • Flexibility to organize time and track time usage
  • Modern setup, easy to use


  • No undo option for accidentally dragging time segments
  • Users not accustomed to time tracking may find reports to be overwhelming

Are you a business looking for virtual training materials that you can use for your employees? Check out these virtual training platforms for businesses!

4. Box

Box Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $24/month
OS: Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Web
Best For: Virtual assistants seeking document management and unlimited storage features.

Box is a cloud storage platform that primarily emphasizes storage rather than synchronization. Its primary design is for file access through a web browser; desktop functionality is considered an additional feature. While well-suited for business purposes, its paid subscription may not provide ample storage for individual home users.

This virtual assistant tool lets you edit and arrange documents in real-time, making storing and sharing files easier.


  • Has offline features
  • Strong security measures


  • The storage offered is not sufficient for the price
  • Some users find the collaboration interface less intuitive compared to other platforms

Did you know that apart from apps, remote workforce consulting can also further improve your remote team’s productivity?

5. RescueTime

RescueTime Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $9/month
OS: Mac, Windows, iOS, Android
Best For: Virtual assistants seeking to understand their digital behaviors, enhance productivity, and make knowledgeable choices regarding time management.

RescueTime is one of the best apps for virtual assistants to help them understand their work habits and become more productive. Although the tracking on iPhone/iPad is limited, it’s worth subscribing to the monthly/yearly plans for distraction blocking. The feature helps you become aware of distractions and increase productivity.


  • Offline access
  • Cross-platform compatibility


  • The free version has limited features
  • The mobile app needs improvement

If you’re looking to improve your skills, check out these virtual assistant training platforms!

6. Google Workspace

Google Workspace Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $5.40/month
OS: Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Web
Best For: Virtual assistants looking for a comprehensive suite of cloud-based tools that foster collaboration, communication, and productivity.

Google Workspace, also known as G-Suite, comprises a variety of software tools offering diverse features and functionalities. As a virtual assistant, you only need approximately eight of these tools, which include:

  • Google Drive.
    One of the most cost-effective cloud storage providers for personal and work-related files.
  • Google Calendar.
    Assists in scheduling and helps you stay on track with projects.
  • Google Docs.
    Utilize this for creating, editing, and formatting text documents.
  • Google Mail.
    A valuable tool for messaging and email marketing purposes.
  • Google Slides.
    A free tool that fulfils all your presentation requirements.
  • Sheets.
    Use this tool for tasks such as data entry and budgeting.
  • Google Meet.
    Ideal for video conferencing and facilitating connections with your clientele.
  • Google Forms.
    Employ this for conducting surveys and receiving real-time responses.


  • Collaboration and real-time editing
  • Secure email


  • Customer and partner support needs improvement
  • Complex data migration system

7. Apploye

Apploye Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $2.5/month
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Browser extension
Best For: Virtual assistants that prioritize time tracking, employee monitoring, and project management.

Apploye is your go-to buddy for hassle-free time tracking and team management. With cool features like time tracking, project management, and a friendly touch of employee monitoring, it’s the perfect sidekick to help your team shine. 

Get insights, boost productivity, and enjoy a more organized work life with Apploye – because work should be a breeze!


  • The support team is efficient
  • Includes GPS location tracking


  • Some can feel uncomfortable with the screenshot function
  • Heavily relies on internet connectivity for real-time data tracking

Here are 11 reasons to hire a virtual assistant if you’re still unsure if you need one.

8. Hootsuite

Hootsuite Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Starting at $99/month
OS: iOS, Android, Web
Best For: Virtual assistants looking to streamline and enhance their social media management efforts.

Hootsuite is like your trusty sidekick for conquering the world of social media. Imagine a place where you can effortlessly schedule and post your content across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more from one cozy dashboard. 

But that’s not all – Hootsuite throws in cool features like keeping an ear to the ground with social listening and giving you the lowdown on how your posts are doing with nifty analytics. It’s not just a tool; it’s your social media best friend, making managing multiple accounts and collaborating with your team a breeze. 


  • Has a 30-day free trial
  • Provides optimal posting times for maximum audience reach


  • Non-square images may get cut off while using Hootsuite for Facebook and Instagram.
  • Cheaper plans have limited reporting capabilities.

9. Zapier

Zapier Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $19.99/month
OS: Web
Best For: Virtual assistants looking to streamline their workflows, automate routine tasks, and integrate various applications without the need for extensive technical expertise.

Zapier is one of the best apps for virtual assistants used for automation that helps different systems work together. You can use it to automate member management, like tracking failed payments, sending notifications to my team, and alerting members via email. All of this happens automatically, thanks to Zapier.


  • Compatible with a wide range of applications
  • Straightforward to learn and understand


  • Handling directories can be somewhat challenging
  • The triggers are not constantly monitored or examined

You can find more remote communication tools here.

10. Zoom

Zoom Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $149.90/year
OS: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Browser extension
Best For: VAs searching for an application to facilitate virtual meetings, video conferences, webinars, and collaborative sessions.

Zoom is a popular tool for hosting online video meetings. The free version allows for 40-minute calls, while paid plans offer extended call times and additional features. Virtual assistants can use it to share screens and present their work.


  • The support team has consistently resolved issues promptly
  • Paid plans offered by the company are priced competitively


  • It is not possible to include a description or meeting agenda when sending an invitation through the app
  • Does not provide toll-free dial-in numbers for the US or the UK

11. Grammarly

Grammarly Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $12/month
OS: Windows, Android, iOS, Web
Best For: VAs seeking to improve writing skills, correct errors, and enhance professionalism in written communication.

Grammarly is one of the best personal assistant apps. It’s a reliable tool to help you with your writing. It’s amazing catching those pesky spelling and punctuation errors we occasionally make. 

Plus, it can suggest minor changes to improve your writing. While its style suggestions might not be perfect, it’s still an awesome tool in your writing task. Try it and see how it can help you improve your communication!


  • Integration with external applications is seamless
  • Plagiarism checker available online can detect any instances of the text being present on the internet


  • The free version only verifies for mistakes in spelling and grammar
  • Website editor solely permits documents that are up to 4 MB and 100,000 characters

12. Bitwarden

Bitwarden Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at less than $1/month
OS: Linux, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Web
Best For: VAs looking for a secure, user-friendly, cross-platform password manager that prioritizes privacy, encryption, and accessibility.

Bitwarden outshines any other free app in the market. Its free version is comprehensive and offers top-notch password protection. If you need added features like more storage and enhanced security, the paid version of Bitwarden offers incredible value at an extremely reasonable price point.


  • Has multi-factor authentication
  • Open-source


  • Capturing and replaying passwords can be improved
  • Sending passwords enables the insecure sharing of passwords

13. Canva

Canva Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $29.99/month
OS: Web, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android
Best For: VAs looking for a user-friendly and versatile graphic design platform. 

Canva is a free platform that enables you to produce impressive designs effortlessly. Whether invitations, business cards, flyers, lesson plans, Zoom backgrounds, or other creative projects, Canva offers user-friendly, professionally designed templates to simplify the design process. 

You can also easily incorporate your photos into Canva’s templates. This provides a user-friendly alternative to complex photo editing tools like Photoshop.


  • User-friendly interface
  • Value for money


  • The free version adds a watermark to designs, which can be removed by upgrading to a paid subscription.
  • Templates have limited customization options.

14. Bonsai

Bonsai Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Starting at $21/month
OS: iOS, Mac, Android, Windows, Chrome extension
Best For: VAs looking for an all-in-one solution for managing contracts, invoices, proposals, and other business tasks.

If you’re a virtual assistant looking for an easy and organized way to manage your finances, invoices, and projects, then Bonsai is the perfect solution. With Bonsai, you can keep everything in one place and navigate it all easily. 

Bonsai is great for freelancers and businesses handling clients, sending invoices, and tracking expenses. Plus, it’s not just for solo use – you can collaborate with others directly in the app! So why not give Bonsai a try and see how it can simplify your work life?


  • Easy to use
  • Includes a tax add-on


  • Poor customer service
  • Fees charged for payment processing are too high, and the timing for releasing payments is terrible.

15. Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $159.99
OS: Windows, Mac, Web, Android, iOS
Best For: VAs looking for comprehensive email management, calendar organization, task tracking, and seamless integration with other Microsoft Office tools.

You might find Microsoft Outlook helpful if you’re a virtual assistant. It has many tools to help you stay on top of your emails, keep your calendar organized, track tasks, and collaborate with others. 

It’s a great all-in-one solution since it’s integrated with other Microsoft Office tools. Mobile apps are also available, so you can stay connected no matter where you are. 

If you currently subscribe to Microsoft 365, Microsoft Outlook is included as part of your subscription.


  • Easy to download and use
  • Lets you access the calendar from your inbox, saving time and effort


  • Users may find Microsoft Outlook overwhelming due to its excessive functionality.
  • Has limited integration with other programs like Google Calendar

16. Trello

Trello Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $5/month
OS: Web, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS
Best For: VAs looking for task and project management, particularly for teams that benefit from a visual, Kanban-style approach.

Trello is a task management tool for virtual assistants. It’s a simple collaboration tool that enables you to organize projects into boards. It shows the tasks being worked on, who’s working on them, and the project’s progress. 

Trello uses Kanban to manage, organize, and track work. It’s like a family to-do list with sticky notes in three columns: “To Do”, “Doing”, and “Done”. Each member is assigned no more than 3 tasks.


  • User-friendly interface and visual project management
  • Allows users to adapt it to different workflows


  • Advanced functionalities are limited, making it less suitable for complex project requirements compared to more comprehensive project management tools.
  • Many of its features, such as time-tracking and billing, require add-ons.

17. OneNote

OneNote Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or included in Microsoft 365 subscription
OS: Web, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, watchOS
Best For: VAs wanting a complete digital note-taking solution with features for organization, syncing, and collaboration, virtual assistants can help.

Note-taking can be a pretty personal thing, don’t you think? That’s why finding an app that works perfectly for everyone can be tough. Microsoft OneNote is a fantastic option that has something for everyone. 

Not only does it have a fantastic free version, but it also offers many features that make it a top-notch note-taking app. 

With OneNote, you can easily organize your notes, sync them across devices, record voice memos, and even use optical character recognition. It’s one of the best apps for virtual assistants looking for a reliable note-taking tool.


  • All features are included in the free version of the product
  • Offers remarkable tools for organization


  • OCR functionality is somewhat restricted
  • Windows is the only platform that provides local storage

18. ThriveCart

ThriveCart Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: $495 lifetime subscription
OS: Web
Best For: Virtual assistants looking for a platform for creating and managing online shopping carts and checkout processes.

If you’re a virtual assistant looking to help your clients boost their online sales, you should try ThriveCart. It’s one of the best apps for virtual assistants, as it’s packed with awesome features that make it easy to sell digital products, optimize checkouts, and create effective sales funnels. 

With support for affiliate marketing, subscription management, and seamless integrations, ThriveCart gives you the flexibility you need to help your clients succeed. Plus, it’s fully customizable, offers detailed analytics, and has top-notch security measures to protect your client’s data. 

Try it and see how it can help you enhance your clients’ online sales strategies!


  • Available payment options include subscriptions, plans, and trials 
  • Access to an advanced reporting dashboard 


  • No cryptocurrency payments
  • Limited checkout templates
Google Trends Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free
OS: Web
Best For: VAs looking for a platform for tracking and analyzing search term popularity, trends, and geographical insights for content and marketing strategies.

As a virtual assistant, you should use Google Trends to improve support in the following ways:

  • Conducting Market Research.
    Get insights into consumer interests to make informed decisions.
  • Planning Campaigns.
    Analyze the popularity of keywords to create effective marketing campaigns.
  • Using Seasonal Trends.
    Identify trends to plan campaigns around peak seasons.
  • Optimizing for SEO.
    Optimize keywords to increase visibility in search results.
  • Conducting Competitor Analysis.
    Compare the popularity of search terms against competitors.

Learn more about Google Trends


  • Allows performing research for keywords based on specific locations
  • Simple and easy to understand


  • Data can be difficult to interpret for new users
  • Data is relative and presented in percentages rather than absolute numbers

Some virtual assistants use VPNs when working remotely. Find out if employers allow the use of VPNs and the risks associated with them here.

20. PayPal

Paypal Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free but with transaction fees
OS: iOS, Android, Web
Best For: VAs seeking a platform for various financial transactions such as online payments, e-commerce, and international transfers.

PayPal is one of the best apps for virtual assistants as it is a secure online payment system that lets you shop online and send/receive money. Link your account, card, or bank and enjoy safe transactions. You can also use PayPal to split expenses with friends or receive birthday money.

If you’re a virtual assistant, PayPal is an awesome payment option. It’s super easy to use, works globally, and has a great reputation among freelancers. Your clients are likely already familiar with it, and it also has great security features to keep your transactions safe. 

Plus, it’s really convenient for managing all your financial transactions in the freelance and online work world. 


  • Domestic transactions can be conducted without any charge
  • Sending money is made easy and hassle-free


  • Often targeted by scammers
  • Confusing fees

Looking for an app for paying your VA? Here’s a comprehensive explanation of how to pay freelancers.

21. Monday.com

Mondaycom Best Apps for Virtual Assistants

Price: Free or starting at $8/month
OS: Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Web
Best For: VAs seeking a platform for project management, task tracking, collaboration, workflow automation, CRM, resource planning, and more.

Virtual assistants use Monday.com as a tool to manage tasks, collaborate with clients, and organize projects. It’s super customizable and user-friendly. Clients love the streamlined experience VAs can provide using Monday.com.


  • Enables teams to organize their projects in a highly accessible workspace
  • Great tracking features


  • Some users find the interface cluttered and confusing
  • The iPhone app doesn’t update well, lacks a dashboard view, and needs improvement

Related Article: 15 Best Virtual Assistant Resources

Which Type of Virtual Assistant Is Best?

The best type of virtual assistant depends on your needs. Think about what tasks you need help with, what industry you’re in, and your budget. Consider the technical capabilities of the assistant you’re looking at. You can try a few options or hire multiple assistants to find the perfect fit.

Millions of virtual assistants are out there, most of whom are virtual administrative assistants. Other types include virtual sales assistants, digital marketing virtual assistants, bookkeeping virtual assistants, and so on.

Check Indeed for a list of virtual assistants and their descriptions.

Can You Afford a Virtual Assistant?

Yes, you can afford a virtual assistant if you hire one who charges between $12.50 and $30 per hour. The affordability of a VA depends on various factors, like the kind of assistance you require, the pricing model of the platform or service you opt for, and the type of VA that suits your needs.

Pricing for hiring virtual assistants may vary, either by hourly rates or subscription plans. Certain platforms implement pay-as-you-go structures, where payment is only required for actual hours worked. 

In contrast, others offer the option of monthly or yearly subscriptions. Selecting a pricing model that suits your budget and expected usage patterns is important.

Consider Various Factors When Choosing the Best App

If you’re a virtual assistant, choosing the best app for your work will benefit you greatly if you choose properly. Consider interfaces that are easy for users, features that assist, and high-quality software to increase productivity and enable a positive work atmosphere.

Companies should also choose premium apps tailored for virtual assistants. These apps improve task management, project coordination, workflow automation, and productivity. 

Investing in the best virtual assistant apps ensures they have the tools to deliver high-quality services in today’s digital work environment.

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