Outsourcing Telemarketing [Benefits & Why You Need It]

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Are you offering your products and services through phone calls? If you do, you must already be aware of telemarketing. This marketing method is one of the most effective ways of getting customers to buy or subscribe to your offering. However, getting your hands on a list of potential clients can be pricey.

Outsourcing Telemarketing

Fortunately, Telemarketing outsourcing services can help companies reduce costs. If you want to know more about it, then by all means, continue reading.

What’s Telemarketing Outsourcing?

Telemarketing outsourcing means paying for third-party services to do telesales, inbound customer service, outbound research, and outbound lead generation. The hired outsourcing agency will help you meet your company goals in your telemarketing campaign.

Companies with tight budgets usually outsource telemarketing services. Meanwhile, large companies have a high budget, so they invest in in-house telemarketing calls instead.

To outsource telemarking services, you can search for a telemarketing company and hire the one that fits your budget and expectations. You can then brief them on your requirements so they can write a script and make calls. Of course, you’re the one who will decide if the scripts are good enough.

Here’s an article on Why Outsourcing Telemarketing is Essential for Business Growth if you want to learn more about it.

Is Telemarketing Part of BPO?

Yes, telemarketing is part of BPO or Business Process Outsourcing. It involves directly marketing a product or service through phone calls, a typical process used in the BPO industry.

Telemarketing Is Part of BPO

In the US, business process outsourcing telemarketing jobs usually cost around $20 to $75 per hour. Outsourced telemarketing services only cost approximately $12 to $20–a cheaper alternative if your company needs to cut costs.

Other BPO services include data management, procurement, finance, and manufacturing. The BPO industry is flexible and customizable to meet client demands, so many companies rely on their services. 

Another form of BPO services is cold calling. Discover more about outsourced cold calling here.

What Is the Purpose of Telemarketing?

Telemarketing has been around for some time. It started around the 1980s and is now one of the most prominent marketing methods, as it produces results in a short period. It’s easier to use persuasion techniques to potential clients with this method, as it requires real-time human-to-human verbal communication. 

Here are the purposes of telemarketing for businesses:

1. Identify Leads

Telemarketers are responsible for identifying clients who could purchase products or services. They do this by cold-calling or contacting individuals who have not encountered the products or services. 

To identify leads, callers make consistent calls, ask multiple questions, and engage with potential clients persuasively. 

2. Get Customer Feedback

Companies must know if there’s anything they can improve. Telemarketing helps companies gauge whether or not they should upgrade or adjust their services to fit their target market better.

Once they get quantified results, that’s the only time they can proceed with planning and investing in whatever makes their product better. Thankfully, telemarketing has specific metrics to give them numbers. 

Want to hire telemarketers who can focus on providing customer support? Find out how to hire dedicated customer support and its benefits here.

3. Promote Products

Telemarketing is a quick way to generate a list of potential customers. When telemarketers call these clients, they help promote the company’s products.

Callers use specific lines to promote products and services. They also adjust it depending on the age, gender, and location of the potential client they’re talking to. 

4. Increase Brand Interest

Increase Brand Interest Through Telemarketing

With a suitable script and structure, any potential client will be hooked on the brand, especially if it fits their current needs. Increasing brand interest can also help increase sales.

One way to increase brand interest is by offering freebies or discounts to potential clients. Everyone loves freebies, so this strategy works.

On the other hand, telemarketing can also be used to help gather donations for a social cause. Charities also use these services to increase contributions, especially for emergency cases.

Related Post: 9 of the Best Cold-Calling Software

Is Outsourcing Telemarketing Services Worth It?

Yes, outsourcing telemarketing services is worth it. You can easily measure the Return on Investment or ROI with telemarketing by setting specific metrics from the very beginning. Outsourcing telemarketing also helps you save time and costs while enhancing client retention and satisfaction.

To compute the ROI, you need to divide the sales revenue generated by the telemarketing campaign by the cost of the campaign. You should set a target for the said campaign to gain definite proof that outsourcing the telemarketing services is worth it. 

Another reason why telemarketing is worth it is that it eliminates the need for end-to-end recruitment and employee training. Outsourced telemarketers are already experts in their fields. Therefore, they only need to know the specifics of the task they will handle, and they’ll already know how to perform it.

Forbes lists the Pros, Cons, and Best Practices of Call Center Outsourcing.

6 Benefits of Outsourcing Telemarketing Services

Outsourcing telemarketing services can help your company in many ways. Saving time and money are two of the most common benefits companies get from these outsourced services.

Here are the benefits of outsourcing telemarketing:

1. Consistent Services

When you outsource telemarketing services, your company can continuously generate quality sales leads and new business prospects. Even better, you can do this without worrying about or depending on specific team members.

The danger of depending on one or two team members is that when they’re unavailable, your services might stop. Potential clients will only be convinced to purchase from you if you offer your products or services at the right time. 

If you’re thinking about outsourcing your telemarketing needs, knowing these effective tips for handling inbound calls can help you!

2. Team Availability

Since call centers have flexible shifts, you won’t need to worry about the team’s availability. You can also reduce or increase the number of telemarketers at any time as they usually have many employees.

Outsourcing Telemarketing Leads to a Flexible Team

Your company’s needs may change, so you’ll need a team to handle those changes. With an outsourced telemarketing team, you can quickly relay your exact needs to them, and they’ll deliver. 

3. Higher Success Rate

Outsourced telemarketing services consist of team members who are used to handling difficult calls. They are also trained to maintain consistency and meet the targets set by their clients. Therefore, outsourced telemarketing teams can make a solid team to handle various calls.

Since telemarketing has measurable results, you can check with them occasionally, as they already have established metrics. Their point person can also provide tips on improvement areas so that you can decide on the next steps.

4. Reduced Risks

Building an in-house telemarketing team comes with risks, like significant financial costs and no access to specialized expertise. You won’t have to spend too much on training telemarketers because their agency will do it for you. You can also avoid a high attrition rate during peak season when there’s too much workload.

You won’t also need to spend too much effort on training telemarketers because the agency where they come from will do it for you. In this case, you can save some cost from the training cost, resulting in higher profits.

5. Access to Experts

Outsourcing telemarking services will help you save time, as you won’t have to search for the right experts for your campaign. The chosen third party will hire or provide existing professionals to meet your needs. 

Imagine your savings because you won’t need to hire these professionals directly but will still benefit from their expertise. Outsourcing telemarketing services is truly attractive to companies looking to save costs.

Want to learn more about outsourcing? Check out these best outsourcing practices!

6. Enhanced Monitoring

You won’t need to establish your monitoring tools to keep track of each call. The outsourced telemarketing company will handle this for you. And since they’ve been doing this for quite some time, they’ll know precisely how to monitor the results you need.

Since they will benefit from your success, they will meet your targets and ensure that whatever is lacking on their part will be fixed. 

Here are Five Reasons to Outsource a Call Center to Develop a New Business.

Yes, telemarketing is legal. However, telemarketers must follow specific guidelines to make legal calls. Some of these rules include the number of times they can call a client, legal call hours, and payment restrictions. Telemarketers must also state the reason for their call and their affiliation. 

Outsourcing Telemarketing Is Legal

It’s important to note that persons in the US and Canada can sign up for a national “Do Not Call” (DNC) registry that forbids telemarketers from contacting them. The company might receive legal charges if a telemarketer calls a DNC-registered person. 

Valid calls for DNC-registered individuals only include calls from political organizations, charities, and affiliated businesses. It’s a good thing that outsourced telemarketers are professionals who check their data so their clients rest assured that no law will be violated.

Some people view telemarketers negatively because they disturb their day-to-day activities. However, telemarketing is beneficial when done appropriately and in moderation. It’s helpful for those who can’t leave their homes because they can access products or services they might need but haven’t heard of yet.

Know more about the Federal Trade Commission’s Legal Guidelines For Telemarketing.

Time to Outsource Telemarketing Services!

Telemarketing outsourcing services are cost-effective and time-efficient. If you’re a small business with growth in mind, you must try outsourcing these services ASAP. Aside from transparent monitoring capabilities, you can also get immediate results.

If you’re still trying to decide, reread the benefits. Once you’re done, ask yourself if you need those benefits now. If it’s a yes, don’t hesitate anymore. It’s time to outsource telemarketing services now.

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