11 Virtual Assistant Content Ideas [Attract Clients & Followers]

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If you’re working as a virtual assistant, chances are you’ve already experienced creator’s block. It prevents you from creating relatable content you can share with people. But did you know you can prevent this by having a list of virtual assistant content ideas?

Keep reading to discover 11 ideas that can help you create content as a virtual assistant. Let’s get right into it!

Virtual Assistant Content Ideas

11 Virtual Assistant Content Ideas

Having a consistent social media presence is essential to increase your brand visibility. This lets you reach out to people in a way they relate to while allowing businesses to see how well you can handle their needs.

Here are the top 11 virtual assistant content ideas that can help you increase your social media engagement:

1. Client Testimonials

Social proof came from one of the oldest forms of marketing – word-of-mouth. Considering how much virtual assistants cost, potential clients want to ensure they’ll get a return on their investment before entering into a business partnership with a VA.

Previous client testimonials can help showcase your work and expertise while growing your business. You can get testimonials by asking your clients to share their experiences working with you. Do this by sending a follow-up email, short survey, or thank you note. If possible, ask for video testimonials. Be sure to ask politely and respectfully.

2. Tools You Use in Your Job

Tools Used by Virtual Assistants

One key to excelling as a VA is having the right tools. Therefore, you can share the best tools every virtual assistant should have

Consider making short videos and reels showcasing how much virtual assistant tools cost and how to use them. Some tools you can discuss include time tracking, communication, accounting, and organizing tools. Use hashtags to reach a wider audience. 

This type of content can help other VAs kickstart their careers. It can also show potential clients that you can use expert tools when handling their needs.

Find out the most useful virtual assistant resources here.

3. Behind the Scenes of Your Work

Sharing behind-the-scenes (BTS) gives your audience an insight into the technical aspect of your job. Good BTS content can help humanize your brand. 

It can also build trust since it portrays the willingness to show potential clients how transparent you are. So, get photos and videos of your unknown struggles before presenting the perfect finish to your clients. 

Related Post: 10 Best Virtual Assistant Training Platforms

4. Tips for Building a Virtual Assistant Brand

How to Build a Virtual Assistant Brand

Another way to engage with people looking to venture into virtual assisting is by sharing tips on building a brand. Give insights on how much virtual assistants make monthly and how someone can level up in the field. 

You can also share how to create a website and social media presence and capitalize social proof. Consider starting a free or paid course teaching how to become a virtual assistant. 

5. Daily Routine

Get Ready with Me (GRWM) and A Day in the Life videos have become popular. Like most people, a virtual assistant can start their day with breakfast, a workout, or meditation. During the day, you can add content on answering emails and ensure your work schedule is in order. 

Sharing your daily routine invites your audience and potential clients into your intimate or personal space. Besides being an excellent virtual assistant content idea, it can also help you build healthy habits. 

6. Share How You Unwind from Work

How Virtual Assistants Can Unwind from Work

Taking a break from work is very healthy and essential. Sharing how you unwind from work shows that you have a good work-life balance. 

You can share pictures on vacation or any activities after work hours. However, remember to relax and not over-fixate in creating content when you’re supposed to recharge

7. Life Before Becoming a Virtual Assistant

Sharing your life before becoming a VA creates a good brand story. It also allows you to have a real story that evokes emotions and resonates with your audience. These things make you more relatable. 

You can talk about your years in school or your previous work. The key is to use emotional connection to turn your brand into an experience. You may even inspire people to enter the world of virtual assistance using your story.

Learn why brand storytelling is the future of marketing from Forbes.

8. Highs and Lows of a Virtual Assistant

Like any other field, being a virtual assistant has ups and downs. Talk about the pros and cons of working as a VA. 

It is good to let people know how hard it can be to create content as a virtual assistant business. This can show them that despite the challenge, you can still deliver excellent content that people can relate to.

However, you must also let people know how to balance the good and bad to excel in the field. You can have a Q&A segment where other virtual assistants share their highs and lows. 

9. Hold Challenges and Giveaways

Holding Challenges and Giveaways as a Virtual Assistant

Giveaways are an excellent way to collaborate with other businesses and build brand exposure. It also allows you to increase your following and connect with a new audience. You can let participating individuals know they’ll only be considered for the reward if they’re following you. 

But when holding giveaways and collaborating with other creators, only work with trusted brands to protect your reputation.

10. Inspirational Quotes

Quotes are very common content for virtual assistant businesses. While quotes are usually short, they deliver emotional messages that your followers may find motivating. 

Instead of random inspirational quotes, consider sharing those that resonate with you. This can be a line from your favorite book, podcast, or television show. 

To break the monotony of your usual posts, add quotes between your social media posts or as captions. If possible, always credit the owner or source of the quote. 

Find out more ways to market yourself as a virtual assistant here.

11. Promote Other Virtual Assistants

Cross-promotion is an excellent way of expanding your reach and building your audience. It is also a cost-effective marketing technique. And, when done correctly, everyone benefits.

On social media, you can invite other virtual assistants to join live sessions and share them on their platforms. Or, simply share posts of other VAs so their followers may discover you. This works best if the other party is willing to promote your brand.

Now that you have content ideas for your social media pages, find out how you can get more done in less time

What Makes a Successful Virtual Assistant?

How to Become a Successful Virtual Assistant

Flexibility, dependability, and knowledge about technology make a successful virtual assistant. They should also be easy to communicate with, proactive, and good time managers. A good virtual assistant is eager to learn, has a pleasant personality, and is willing to take the initiative when needed.

Here’s an in-depth look at what makes a successful VA:

  • Flexibility.
    Since virtual assistants work remotely, they should be able to work during odd hours when required due to time differences. Additionally, they should be able to take up last-minute tasks. 
  • Reliability.
    A successful VA delivers and meets deadlines. It is important to show commitment and productivity at all times.
  • Tech Savvy.
    There are several tools used in virtual assistance. Therefore, you must possess more than basic skills in operating tech applications. Luckily, there are several online courses and videos to help with this. 
  • Good Communication Skills.
    Virtual assisting heavily relies on communication due to a lack of in-person interactions. Respond promptly and share the progress of your work. Share any connectivity issues you may have in advance. 

    Importance of Good Communication Skills for Virtual Assistants
  • Proactiveness.
    Think ahead and look for solutions instead of waiting for direction. A successful VA puts extra thought into what they do and strives for the best possible outcome. 
  • Good Time Management.
    Since virtual assisting doesn’t provide room for micro-managing, control your work hours. This will help increase your productivity and performance. 
  • Willingness to Learn.
    Be open to learning new ways of doing things, especially when working with a client from a different country or culture. Additionally, be eager to discover ways of bettering your skills.
  • Have a Good Personality.
    Virtual assistants with good personalities are easier to work with. Strive to maintain a calm demeanor even when stressed out. 
  • Take the initiative.
    Sometimes, clients may not know when they need help or how to delegate appropriately. Hence, spot the gaps in the client’s workflow and look for new ways to assist. 

What Are Clients Looking For in a Virtual Assistant?

Clients look for a virtual assistant who is helpful and responsive. They also want someone who works to produce quality work and takes pride in their work. Clients prefer a virtual assistant who maintains open communication, isn’t afraid to ask questions, and is passionate about their career. 

Additionally, clients look for VAs they can trust with sensitive information about the company and who can complete tasks without being pushed. A good VA cares about a client’s business as if it’s their own. 

Tap into Virtual Assistant Content Ideas!

You can use many virtual assistant content ideas to create content to boost engagement. A good example is sharing your personal stories, job challenges, and insights into your life. 

You can also engage other virtual assistants to leverage their audience. Remember, good content is relatable and evokes your audience’s emotions. 

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